AutomateWoo is a great WooCommerce plugin for marketing automation. I recently needed to add shortcodes in AutomateWoo emails and found out that shortcodes do not work out of the box in the email content. However there is a really simple code snippet that you can add to your functions.php to add shortcodes support in AutomateWoo […]
AutomateWoo – Custom Subscription Rule based on Billing Period
We recently introduced yearly subscriptions with monthly payments at WP Desk and I needed to customize our email automations. We heavily use AutomateWoo at WP Desk to send emails. I wanted to send different emails to customers with monthly and yearly payments. There is no subscription rule to filter by billing period, but I thought […]
AutomateWoo – Custom Subscription Rule based on Parent Order Status
Recently I discovered AutomateWoo, which instantly became my favorite marketing automation plugin for WooCommerce. I use it heavily on WP Desk and Flexible Shipping. I am also working much on improving renewal conversion rates for our plugins. I wanted to use AutomateWoo to send email to customers whose subscription got cancelled. I include a small […]